Rules for authors
CCHE counts with five sections to publish works: Articles, History of Education Sources, Bibliographic Inventory, Reviews, Interviews.
All contributions for evaluation must be submitted through the registration form available at the CCHE web page in Word format (.doc, .docx) or similar (.odt).
For purposes of identification, the contribution, the name of the document uploaded to OJS must be the same as the name of the work’s title or a short version of it. For example, if the name of the manuscript is “Feminine popular teaching in the province of Corrientes, 1854-1875”, the document could be named as “Feminine popular teaching.docx”.
If the contribution includes charts, graphics, and diagrams, they must be uploaded on an Excel spreadsheet, indicating in the manuscript where they should be inserted. Pictures must be presented in JPG 300 DPI format.
All contributions including citations and bibliographic references must use APA guidelines, 7th version. For further details concerning these guidelines, please visit:
We consider “articles” any unpublished research with an extension no longer than 10,000 words.
The structure should be organized as follows:
- Title Page: it must include the name of the issue and indicate funding sources (if applicable). For the purposes of double-blind evaluation, the document must be anonymous, that is, it must not include the author’s identity nor any kind of information related to their identity.
- Summary: 200-word maximum that points out the aims, methodology, results, and 4 to 5 key words. Summary and key words must be written in Spanish (or Portuguese, if the work is in this language) and English.
- Body: the amount of subtitles/subheadings is free-choice, but they must be highlighted in bold. Direct quotations of less of 40 words must be between quotation marks (“”) and those with more than 40 words must be in an independent paragraph separated from the body by a front and back jump rope and with margins of 2 cm on each side.
- Conclusions: It is expected that findings are discussed according to the questions, objectives and/or hypotheses proposed in the study, and also consider its limitations and future directions.
- References: any source used and quoted in the study must be included and organized as primary sources or secondary sources.
- Biography: it has to be submitted as a separate document. The author should include her/his name, institution, e-mail, ORCID, and a brief description of her/his career in no more than three lines.
For their evaluation, bibliographic reviews must have a maximum extension of 1.500 words. They must be focused on books edited during the last three years. In addition, they should be related to topics addressed by CCHE as well as evaluative comments of thesis or dissertation carried out by doctorate, master or bachelor’s degree students.
The structure should be organized as follows:
- Title Page: it must include the name of the book’s author, year of publication, book’s title, city, publisher and amount of pages. For example: Nicolás Dip (2023). Movimientos estudiantiles en América Latina: interrogantes para su historia, presente y futuro. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, IEC-CONADU, 88 pp.
Additionally, it must have information about the author/s who wrote the review (name, institutional affiliation, e-mail and ORCID).
- Body: direct quotations of less than 40 words must be placed between quotation marks (“”) and those with more than 40 words must be placed in an independent paragraph, separated from the body by a front and back jump rope and with margins of 2 cm on each side.
Bibliographic inventory
The bibliographic inventory recovers research on education carried out in the past, highlighting the historiographic and patrimonial value of documents as well as the contribution of previous work to current and future research projects. The inventory section follows the same formal norms as the reviews, with a limit of 1,500 words.
Sources for the History of Education
This section recovers unpublished or unknown primary sources about history of education through their transcription or reproduction. Along with the source, a presentation must be submitted (1,500 words), underlining the importance and value of the reviewed documents.
The structure should be organized as follows:
- Title Page: it must include the work’s title and author’s information who made the presentation (name, affiliation, e-mail and ORCID).
- Body: direct quotations with less than 40 words must be placed between quotation marks (“”) and those with more than 40 words must be placed in an independent paragraph, separated from the body by a front and back jump rope and with margins of 2 cm on each side.
- Source: the source must be included at the end of the presentation, and it needs to be transcribed in detail or digitally duplicated.