
CCHE is an open access journal affiliated to the Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado at Universidad de O'Higgins. It is published under Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivar 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Under this license, authors give up the rights to publish their work. Any person can share its content if the author’s name and original localization are mentioned by providing the corresponding hyperlink. The same way, those who access the material cannot modify it, create derived versions nor commercialize it. Detailed license terms can be reviewed here.

The copyright ceding agreement implies:

  • The author keeps her/his authorship right of the work and grants CCHE the right to carry out the first publication under the previously mentioned Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivar 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • The cession of authorship rights allows CCHE to publish the approved work in their physical and digital editions, offer to download them to third parties, translate them into different languages and use the texts and images for advertisement purposes. Moreover, authorization is granted to exercise the necessary rights for publication, edition, reproduction, adaptation, and distribution, either in printed and/or digital format.
  • Authors will be able to make changes or additional negotiations to publish non-exclusively her/his work in other media (for example, as book chapters or in institutional repositories) if they refer to the first publication carried out by CCHE.
  • Contents, opinions and viewpoints expressed reflect only the author’s view and they are not necessarily shared by CCHE.

Intellectual property

Sending and evaluating the received work leads to believe that the author declares being the original title holder and has the exclusive moral authorship and patrimonial rights as provided by the Law 17.336 regarding Intellectual Property (Chile). In case of using, either totally or partially, external work for the creation of the writings, the author declares to count with the necessary authorizations or utilization licenses from the title holders or also that the utilization is expressly within the law.

The author explicitly releases CCHE and Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado from any further responsibility regarding any contractual, regulatory or legal infraction that could have been made in relation to the work. The author would be compelled to repair any detriment that came from the infraction of any of these rights.

As long as the corresponding rights exist, the present authorization is conferred in a non-exclusive character, free of charge, indefinitely, perpetually and irrevocably and it releases CCHE and Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado from any payment or remuneration for exercising the rights mentioned before.