Publications policies


CCHE publishes works written in Spanish and Portuguese.

Editorial Policy with gender perspective

Given that CCHE promotes gender perspective, as a part of the editing process, we make efforts towards this purpose. Consequently, authors are asked to write their work using the following criteria:

  • In cases where singular nouns such as “el alumno”, “el campesino”, etc., do not refer specifically to a male individual, we recommend replacing it with “el/la alumno/a” or “el/la campesino/a”.
  • In cases with plural forms, when the individuals are not specifically male, we recommend using “las/os alumnas/os”, “las/os campesinas/os”, prioritizing the feminine gender with the article and noun.
  • The use of E, @, X as alternatives to replace endings -as or -os is not accepted since this practice does not meet the writing gender policy of the journal.

Review process by evaluators

The CCHE Editorial Board receives original work written in Spanish and Portuguese that must be exclusively submitted to the journal.

Authors must send the manuscript anonymized. This requirement is essential to keep the unavowed character of the whole blind-peer review process.  

The works sent to be reviewed and published must be only sent through the Journal’s OJS platform. Works sent through e-mail are not accepted.

After receiving the work, the CCHE Editorial Board will proceed with a pre-evaluation to determine whether the work aligns with the scope of the Journal and its guidelines. In case the work does not meet those requirements, it will be rejected.

If an article is positively pre-evaluated, a blind-peer review process will be initiated; that is, the contribution will be sent to two external reviewers, experts in the subject matter of the original paper, with recognized experience and no institutional link to the journal. During the process, neither the reviewers will know the author’s identity nor the author will know the reviewers’ identity. During the evaluation process the following key points are considered: pertinence, originality, quality and contribution to the history of education among other aspects, which are included in the guidelines.

The peer review process takes approximately sixty consecutive days. The result is informed directly to the authors, and it considers three options: (a) accepted without changes, (b) accepted with minor revisions or (c) rejected. The average time between sending the article and its publication is 25 weeks. 

In case the evaluators’ decisions do not agree, one of the CCHE Scientific Committee members will be asked to resolve if the article is publishable or not. If the designated member disqualifies her/himself to determine, the decision will be made by any of the journal’s editors.  

If an article is accepted, it will be published in one of the two following issues.

Acceptance and later publication of an article implies the author consigns copyrights to CCHE. Consequently, the journal must be asked for permission in order to publish the manuscript in other media, language or format.

Publication frequency

CCHE publishes 2 issues per year: July and December.

Self-archiving policy

Materials published in CCHE are archived through the record tool Crossref.  Authors can share their work (final version) using personal website, social networks, and/or their institutional repository. In those cases, authors must provide DOI and/or URL assigned by the journal.

Originality requirement

Contributions submitted to CCHE must be original. Only those works that have not been previously divulged by any other journal, newspaper, book or other media will be considered (whether, or not, they have DOI/ISBN).

All contributions are evaluated through the Compilatio system, to assess text similarity. In case a substantial coincidence with other documents is detected (higher than 15%), the journal reserves the right to automatically reject the contribution.

Authors who fail to keep to this norm could be penalized by CCHE through the prohibition of sending new contributions for a period of three years. Additionally, the journal reserves the right to apply other sanctions according to COPE guidelines.

Deadline for submission

The reception of contributions is open permanently. Manuscripts sent for review must be sent only through the journal’s OJS platform and its acceptance for publication will depend on the positive evaluation made by the reviewers. Contributions sent through email are not accepted.